Monday, November 5, 2012

Let the Craft-a-thon begin!

...or, rather, resume.

So, last month I started making progress on the holiday gifts.
I've nearly completed 1 scarf, with 2 more in progress and another fairly easy one planned. I have 2 more slightly more difficult ones (eyelash yarn!!) in the queue as well. Three are already definitely for someone in particular. The others are likely, but not positively designated. As I work on them, sometimes they start to feel like someone else.

I completed another set of earrings this weekend. It was part of a kit to make 4 pairs, and I tackled the easiest 1 first. I definitely need to work on my technique; my loops aren't as smooth as they could be. I'm planning another pair of earrings specifically for 1 person.

I've also bought tools and materials to start work on some wire jewelry projects.

Other random notes:
Michael's has been sucking me in with coupon after coupon.
I'm cleaning up my ravelry account, deleting old projects etc.
Beadfly looks pretty dead; I wonder if there's another site picking up its slack.

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