Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Holiday gifts 2014
So far, I've finished one scarf, 2 (of 3) necklaces, 4 batches of lip balms, 1 batch of lip scrubs, 2 batches of lotion sticks/body balms, & 3 batches of body butters. As an aside, I also made myself deodorant, just because I had all the things.
Tonight, I have to finish the last necklace, put all the body butters into containers, and maybe make another batch of lip balms. Hopefully, there will be nothing left to do on Christmas eve but wrap them!
Friday, September 5, 2014
My Pinterest boards
Here's where I pin photos of stuff I've made (when I remember to take pictures.)
Here's where I pin great crafting ideas, tutorials etc.:
I haven't separated the crafts board into separate subjects; I'm not sure if that would be better.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Status report
In any case, at this step, the skirt went from being something I might actually wear to being just a project for the experience. And at that point I lost all motivation to work on it. So, I consulted a friend and experienced seamstress for advice. It wouldn't be too difficult to rip out the stitches and start the waist over, but I'm concerned that using more fabric at the waist will affect the pattern in some way I can't predict.
Other tidbits:
I think I have enough jewelry to open my etsy store, but I still need to do photos, descriptions, and prices.
We've reorganized the craft room at the house, so I hope to be more productive now.
I haven't crocheted anything in months. It's so hard to get the motivation for that when it's warm out.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Beads, Beads, Beads
Bossa nova skirt, pt 2

So, next up, I need to press the seams open & then start on the waist... which will require me to go out & buy elastic! Then there's just the hem.
I don't know yet if it will actually fit me. But at least it looks like something I would actually wear!
Monday, March 24, 2014
Bossa Nova Skirt, pt.1
A good friend came over to help me get started. I've cut out all my panels, & pressed them. I've started pinning them. I had some trouble loading the bobbin, so I didn't get to any stitching.
The skirt is essentially 8 seams, a hem, and casing for an elastic waistband. However, as this is just a means for me to practice skills, I have little aspirations of actually being able to wear it when I'm done. Therefore, I used whatever fabric I had on hand, which is probably not the best choice for this skirt.
Also, I'm anticipating a common problem for me with elastic waistband skirts, which is that the "correct" size at my waist will not stretch enough to fit over my hips. Eventually, I will figure out the right measurement to use so that there is enough give to make it over my hips, while still being small enough to gather at my waist.
In the meantime, I'm excited to practice!
Friday, January 31, 2014
Sewing class
We measured & cut lining & fabric, pinned and stitched seams, and embellished. I feel up to speed on basic sewing machine operations, except for loading the bobbin. The skirt came out fine, and I gave it to an actual teen.
Now I need a refresher on working with patterns, pinning, cutting, blocking, etc. A friend is coming over tomorrow to help me practice. I would cross my fingers, but I don't think I'll be able to sew very well like that.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
When last we left our hero
I have actually been crafting, just not blogging. But since, I want to better measure my progress this year, I decided to re-start the blog. I may leave it here, or move it to my own host. But in the meantime, here's what's been going on.
I've expanded my jewelry repertoire to include more wire work. I also have been experimenting with more materials and feel pretty comfortable with a lot of cord, thread, tiger tail, memory wire and more. I'm using more tools, including a wire jig, and making pieces more quickly. I've signed up for a 101 class, but I would really love to find a class to help me with design. Currently, I've got 6 pendants that need to be hung from something, 2 earring ideas, and an idea for my first ring.
I've taken a basic sewing class, and made a skirt. I've signed up for a second class to help me work with patterns. And I have a few (supposedly) very simple patterns I want to try out. I have theoretical knowledge of sewing, but this is really the first time I've tried to actually start making things. I'm planning an apron and a wrap skirt.
I'm still crocheting in straight lines. I've made a lot of scarves. I just found some great resources on stitch patterns that are still straight lines and don't deal with increasing and decreasing or making rounds, but can vary the look of the piece. I'm looking forward to my first large piece using one of these. I'm finishing up an infinity scarf and a "sharf" then deciding how the next set of projects will go.
I've pretty much given up on scrapbooking and quilting. I may take up knitting again.
For some reason, blogger changed the dates on the entries I just went back & tagged. I'll go back & fix them eventually. Probably.