Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thrifty Craftiness...

... or Crafty Thriftiness.

I have, over the past several months, accumulated a great deal of craft supplies. I'm over-flowing with yarn and beads. I have all the materials necessary to finish my quilt. I'm pretty sure I have everything I need to finish at least one of the pillows.

And so, in keeping with my non-crafty goals of better managing my finances and organizing/improving/decluttering my house, I've decided to a) refrain from purchasing any more craft materials until I've put at least 50% of my current materials to use and b) attack the craft projects more aggressively so as to reduce the stockpile.

I plan to complete at least 2 scarves and 4 pairs of earrings by the end of the year. I know that's ambitious, but I need to make a serious dent.

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