Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thrifty Craftiness...

... or Crafty Thriftiness.

I have, over the past several months, accumulated a great deal of craft supplies. I'm over-flowing with yarn and beads. I have all the materials necessary to finish my quilt. I'm pretty sure I have everything I need to finish at least one of the pillows.

And so, in keeping with my non-crafty goals of better managing my finances and organizing/improving/decluttering my house, I've decided to a) refrain from purchasing any more craft materials until I've put at least 50% of my current materials to use and b) attack the craft projects more aggressively so as to reduce the stockpile.

I plan to complete at least 2 scarves and 4 pairs of earrings by the end of the year. I know that's ambitious, but I need to make a serious dent.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


The other craft projects aren't as easy to make tickers for, because they require precise end numbers. Since I don't know yet how many rows should be in a particular scarf, or how many beading projects I want to complete in how long, I'm only doing this one ticker for now.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


So here is the original post from my old craft journal:  

This is now the journal to track progress on my ***Craft Projects*** 

I have a ton of pictures to scrapbook. 
I've been in the middle of the same quilt forever. 
I'm in the middle of a pillow or two. 
I'm in the middle of 2 or 3 yarn projects. 
I have at least 2 beading projects to finish.  
I have finished some jewelry.  

Stay tuned.


So, I'm moving this journal to blogger in the hopes that I'll actually maintain it. And what better first post back than one about organizing my craft supplies.

Organization is a major problem for me. If I don't have easy access to my supplies, I won't feel like unpacking them 3 or 4 times a week to work on things. Or if they're not visible, I won't be reminded of them. On the other hand, they take up too much space to leave laying out on a constant basis.

Ultimately, I'd love to get something like this: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=2630039&findingMethod=rr
or this: http://www.target.com/Sauder-Sewing-Craft-Cart-American/dp/B000F9WESW/qid=1225817963/ref=br_1_8/191-1424974-4207441?ie=UTF8&node=11078661&frombrowse=1&pricerange=&index=tgt-mf-mv&field-browse=11078661&rank=price&rh=&page=1

Alas, there is no room in my apartment for anything like that right now. So I'm focusing on smaller-scale organization.

Here are some other products that look helpful:




